Biotech Kisan Hub, West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences
The project entitled establishment of Biotech Kisan Hub at West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences has been started since April,2018 after receiving sanction from Department of Bio Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India vide order no. BT/KIS/123/SP23438/2017 Dated 14.03.18. The Project has been started with the objective for linking available Science & Technology to the farmers of Sundarban area through understanding there problems to provide a suitable and alternative solution for their better livelihood.
Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application Network (Biotech-KISAN)” will be implemented in Coastal saline agro-climatic zones of India (Sunder ban of South 24 Pgs and North 24Pgs District of West Bengal) in phased manner with the objective:
- Linking available science and technology to the farm by first understanding the problem of the local farmer and provide solutions to those problems.
- The working together, in close conjunction, of scientists and farmers is the only way to improve the working conditions of small and marginal farmers.
- This programme aims to work with small and marginal farmers especially the woman farmer for better agriculture productivity through scientific intervention and evolving best farming practices in the Indian context.