Activities carried out under the project- Phase 1 | |||
No. | Name of the activities | Target | Achievement till date |
01 | Survey about the Garole Sheep and Black Bengal Goat population at Sundarban area in West Bengal. | 5000-6000 house hold | 5998 house hold |
02 | Survey about the socio-economic status of the farmers of the Sundarban area in West Bengal. | Analysis of survey records with statistical interference done. | |
03 | Analysis of survey records with statistical interference. | ||
04 | Selection of Farmers. | 1000 Farmers out of which 600 will be female Farmers. | 1000 Farmers and all are female Farmers. |
05 | Selection of Garole sheep and Black Bengal Goat of each breed from the farmers of Sundarban. | 50 best male and 500 best female Garole sheep and Black Bengal Goat. | Selection of 380 Garole sheep and 450 Black Bengal Goat from the farmers of Sundarban has been made from sundarban out of which 229 Garole sheep and 366 Black Bengal Goat of superior quality has been purchased and reared in the Elite Germplasm Centre at Mohanpur. |
06 | Quality males and females are also to be procured from CSWRI, Avikanagar, Rajasthan and CIRG, Makhdoom, UP. | 10 to 15 male and female. | Quality male (8 nos.) and female (32 nos.)Black Bengal Goat has been procured from AICRP on Goat Improvement adopted villages as advised by CIRG, Makhdoom, UP. |
07 | Establishment of HUB for farmers’ knowledge through ICT. | One complete ICT lab with all modern facilities at University HQ. | Establishment of HUB for farmers’ knowledge through ICT was made at University HQ with one complete ICT lab with all modern facilities. One mobile App has been developed in the name of “MUUK” to give solution to the Farmers about their problems related to animal husbandry. Website in the name of Biotech Kisan ( has been launched by Prof. Gayaprasad, Identified mentor of the project and Vice Chancellor, SVBPUAT, Merut, UP. More than 10000 people are installed the app and till to day 955 nos. of question of the farmers has been sorted. |
08 | Generation of software to meet up the requirement of farmers. | Farmers’ friendly programme and mobile apps. | |
09 | Farmers Training about scientific rearing practices of Garole Sheep and Black Bengal Goat considering 40 numbers of farmers in each batch for 5 days. | 400 farmers. | Till today, 22 nos. of Farmers’ training has been organized for the selected farmers under DBT mission mode programme on Establishment of Biotech-KISAN Hub at WBUAFS, Kolkata for making a suitable plan for effective capacity building of these farmers for their better livelihood on the basis of the survey though suitable questionnaires A total 852 nos.. of women farmer have been trained. The impact of training program has been assessed and found a tremendous impact on the farmers on adoption of scientific method of Sheep and Goat rearing practices. |
10 | Scientist Training of about modern scientific knows how about Garole Sheep and Black Bengal Goat considering 20 numbers of scientists in each batch for 5 days. | 40 scientists. | 5 nos. of scientists’ training have been organized under the DBT mission mode programme of Biotech Kisan Hub and a total of 111 nos. of scientists mainly from ICAR including KVK, Extension workers from the lying departments, Research Personal and other field level Extension workers including Panchayet, SHGS, NGOS, Para vet, Pranibondhu, Pranimitras, ATM/BTM etc are being trained. |
11 | Maintenance of the farm animals with suitable prophylactic, proper managemental practices and proper herd record of the selected animals. | 500-600 Garole sheep and Black Bengal Goat. | Selection of 380 Garole sheep and 450 Black Bengal Goat from the farmers of Sundarban has been made from sundarban out of which 258 Garole sheep and 354 Black Bengal Goat of superior quality has been purchased and reared in the Elite Germplasm Centre at Mohanpur, University Farm with suitable prophylactic, proper managemental practices and proper herd record of the selected animals. Productive and reproductive performances has-been recorded. |
12 | Establishment of Elite Germplasm Centre at Mohanpur, University Farm. | One each for 500-600 Garole sheep and Black Bengal Goat. | |
13 | Study of economics or rearing of such animals along with productive and reproductive performances of those animals. | 500-600 Garole sheep and Black Bengal Goat. | |
14 | Production of kids of those breeds. | 400 Garole sheep and Black Bengal goat kid. | At present 293 Garole sheep and 430 Black Bengal Kid has been born so far. |
15 | Best stock will be distributed among farmers from Elite Germplasm Centre at Mohanpur, University Farm. | 400 farmers. | 850 nos. of quality of Garole sheep and Black Bengal Goat obtained from Germplasm centre have been distributed among 420 selected beneficiaries who have been trained with scientific rearing practices of Garole Sheep and Black Bengal Goat. 100 quality buck and 50 quality ram has been distributed among these beneficiaries which will help in improvement of the total Sheep and Goat population of these selected area. The increase in terms of flock strength and growth will be reflected within a year. |
16 | Distribution of other related key inputs for rearing these animals. | 400 farmers. | Inputs like vaccine, heath care, animal feed and mineral supplement has also been provided to those women farmer of Sundarban. Publication of One book in local language for farmers “Chagol o Vera Palan” and a Transparent Ball Pen with Extendable & Rolled Mini Banner Inside the information about vaccination schedule in local language incorporated and being distributed among the farmers of Sundarban. Publication of calendar (2020) with information different activities to be carried out for scientific sheep and goat rearing round the year are also distributed. |
17 | Organization of MELA and EXHIBITION for farmers’ awareness. | 1 | One EXHIBITION for farmers’ awareness has been organized on 2nd January 2019 which is opened by Prof. Gayaprasad, Identified mentor of the project and Vice Chancellor, SVBPUAT, Merut, UP. |
18 | Fellowship to the women farmer. | 400 women farmer. | Total 852nos. of women farmer has been given an amount of Rs 1000/- per head as fellowship for the year 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 towards effective sheep and goat rearing. |
19 | Other activities |
Farmers’ Scientists Interaction programme on “Scientific rearing practices of Garole Sheep and Black Bengal Goat” has been organized in presence of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, WBUAFS in presence of other eminent dignitaries like Prof. C S Chakrabarti, Former Vice-Chancellor, WBUAFS, Dr P. B Kundu, Ex Animal Husbandry Commissioner, Govt. of India, Prof S S Dana, Registrar, WBUAFs, Prof A Goswami, Director of Research, Ext. and Farms, WBUAFS and Dr P S Bannerjee, Station In charge, IVRI, ERS and more than 66 scientists and 212 women farmers of Sundarban on 14.11.2018 Research publication entitled “Socio- Economic Status of the Sheep & Goat Farmers in Sundarban, West Bengal”. Int. J. Livest. Res… 9(9): 168-179(2019) Documentary film on sheep and goat production has been in local language for promotion of knowledge among the stake holders of biotech kisan hub. |
20 | Entrepreneurship development is the prime moto of the project for better livelihoods among these farm women who ate the benificiaries of Biorech Kisan Hub. Total 4 nos. of FPOs has been in the process of formation as per table 33 which has been pending due to lock down arised on COVID 19 Pandemic. Till today 22 nos. of Farmers’ Interest Group (FIG) has been formed before formation these FPO which are fully functional. | ||
21 | 200 bags of Quality animal feed (energy and protein rich), particularly sheep and goat feed have been distributed among those “Amphan” affected beneficiaries of Hingalganj and Gosaba block of west Bengal (Sundarban) | ||
Activities carried out under the project up to 15th October, 2020 (Phase II) | |||
No. | Name of the activities | Target for 2 years | Achievement till date |
01 | Survey about the socio demographic picture of the small and marginal farmers of the aspirational districts under Lower Gangetic Plains Region ie West Bengal. | 10000 | 4285 |
02 | Survey about the socio-economic status of the Farmers of the Aspirational districts in West Bengal. | 10000 | 4285 |
03 | Analysis of survey records with statistical interference. | 10000 | 4285 |
04 | Selection of 400 Farmers out of which 240 will be female Farmers in each aspirational district. | 2000 | 1000 |
05 | Promotion of scientific goatary (Black Bengal Goats), Poultry (Vanaraja chicken) in backyard system along with fisheries in all selected aspirational districts. | 2000 | |
06 | Procurement and distribution of quality lack Bengal Goat 600 farmers of aspirational Districts. | 600 | 0 |
07 | Distribution of 16,000 28 days’ old Vanraja Chicks among 700 beneficiaries of aspirational district. | 800 | 0 |
08 | Distribution of 60,000 quality fish ling of Indian carps among 400 beneficiaries in each aspirational district. | 600 | 0 |
09 | Establishment of Mechanised slaughterhouse to be established as integral part of the project. | 1 | 1 |
10 | Quality animal may be procured from CIRG, Makhdoom, UP or ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research (DPR) formerly Project Directorate on Poultry (PDP), Hyderabad. |
01. 10 to 15 male and female Goat. 02. 5000 Egg of Bonraja Chicken from Directorate of Poultry Research (DPR) formerly Project Directorate on Poultry (PDP), Hyderabad |
Quality male (8 nos.) and female (32 nos.)Black Bengal Goat has been procured from AICRP on Goat Improvement adopted villages as advised by CIRG, Makhdoom, UP. 1000 Egg of Bonraja Chicken procured from Directorate of Poultry Research (DPR) formerly Project Directorate on Poultry (PDP), Hyderabad |
11 | Development of Poultry hatchery for Vanraja Chicks | 1 | 1 |
12 | Training of 400 farmers about scientific rearing practices of back yard poultry and Black Bengal Goat considering 40 numbers of farmers in each batch for 5 days | 2000 | 914 |
13 | Establishment of HUB for farmers’ knowledge through ICT. | One complete ICT lab with all modern facilities at University HQ. | Establishment of HUB for farmers’ knowledge through ICT was made at University HQ with one complete ICT lab with all modern facilities. One mobile App has been developed in the name of “MUUK” to give solution to the Farmers about their problems related to animal husbandry. Website in the name of Biotech Kisan ( has also hosted. |
14 | Generation of software to meet up the requirement of farmers. | ||
15 | Organization of MELA and EXHIBITION for farmers’ awareness. | 1 | 0 |
16 | Fellowship to the women farmer | 1200 | 420 |